Township of Washington Logo

350 Hudson Avenue, Township of Washington
County of Bergen – New Jersey 07676
Phone # 201-664-1140
Fax # 201-664-2959
Chief of Police – John Calamari
Director – James Giblin


From The Desk of Chief of Police John Calamari

Several residents have raised concerns regarding the decision to not close Colonial Boulevard on Halloween to vehicular traffic so I would like to share the basis for the decision.

The scope of the event has grown way beyond what was initially conceived and intended. What started as a small, local town event for the residents, was unfortunately broadcast and advertised significantly beyond the town and beyond the county and state. The number of out of town, out of county and out of state people who attend now significantly outnumbers the residents. It was never envisioned to become what it evolved into. The size and scope has grown beyond what the available resources can effectively manage.

There are other safety concerns in addition to traffic that have to be taken into account. Myself and many of my Officers have training in event safety and security planning. We have also consulted with and work with outside agencies. I can assure the residents that safety is the top priority and that extensive safety measures will be in place.


Chief John Calamari

Chief Of Police John Calamari

From Desk of Chief Police Halloween Statement