Pascack Valley Junior Police Academy
The Pascack Valley Junior Police Academy is a week-long program1. JPA is a collaboration of the Washington Township, Westwood and Hillsdale Police Departments for children 10 to 14. Many children come back to JPA year after year, elevating the level of excellence and service.
The continuing focus of Junior Police Academy is to educate students on the dangers of drugs, alcohol and making bad life decisions. We stress being a good citizen and model the example of teamwork and team spirit. Other benefits include building friendships with children from other towns and fostering positive relationships local Police Officers. Our students also get a first-hand look at the work of federal, state and local law enforcement.
Each morning begins with a physical fitness training session followed be instruction and demonstrations. We are grateful to the many Public Safety volunteers who donate their time to provide demonstrations.
We are very proud proud to have one of the largest and longest running Junior Police Academies in Bergen County. For further information on this program, please contact Cpl. Travis Cangialosi.