On the evening of Wednesday, April 27, 2022, D/Cpl. Travis Cangialosi was requested to make a presentation to the Ramsey/Mahwah Chapter of Families Anonymous, a world-wide support group for families.  He addressed twenty-five individuals about our LEAD program, Community Policing initiatives and other police involvement that may assist with families in need due to substance abuse, mental health and other related issues.  D/Cpl. Cangialosi fielded questions regarding these topics after the presentation.

Everyone is welcome to join Families Anonymous. Finding meetings that best fit your needs is simple and straightforward.  You can find nearby face-to-face FA meetings by visiting the Families Anonymous website. You can also find information on how to join an online, phone, or email meeting.

FA is active in all regions of the United States and across the world. This makes it very easy to attend meetings in most cases.