Recently, Washington Township Police Chief John Calamari was contacted to help Dawson Palmarini
achieve his goal in breaking the world record to visit as many Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS departments.

Lt Roy Scherer reached out to Dawsons father, Vincent Palmerini’s who explained he and his wife
became Dawson’s foster parent when Dawson was 3 days old. Dawson had complications at birth due
to his maternal mother and her substance abuse. Vincent and his wife tried to give Dawson the best life
they could, but Vinnie does it alone as a single father now. His wife unfortunately passed away 9 years
ago from Cancer.

When Dawson was 17 years old, he sustained traumatic injuries in a motorcycle crash while traveling on
Route 37 in Toms River, NJ. At the scene, multiple members of Fire/EMS/Police were by his side
rendering aid which saved his life. Dawson sustained a traumatic brain injury and spent four months in a
coma, and confronted PTSD and depression.

Vincent explained Dawson is now 22 years old, and he is assisting Dawson reach his goal.
Despite these formidable challenges, Dawson is determined to visit every police department, firehouse,
and EMS agency in the state. His profound goal is to express overwhelming thanks to the dedicated men
and women who contribute to the essential work in these critical fields and wants to set a world record.
His father explained Dawson has received over 200 challenge coins, 300 patches and several honorary
officer awards.

Today, December 10, 2024, Dawson and his father were greeted by Washington Township Police Chief
John Calamari, Capt. Arsenio Pecora, Lt Roy Scherer, Lt Michael Glock, Sgt Saverio Fasciano, Sgt
Richard Parsells, Cpl Michael Ferrarini, P.O. Robert Luscombe, P.O. Ian O’Hanlon, S.O. Steven Riedel,
Dispatcher Bilias and Leanne O’Connor. Dawson was presented with a WTPD coffee mug, challenge coins,
hats, patches and several other items. Dawson will be presented with an Honorary Officer award.