Drop Off Zone – Vehicles are to pull into these areas, which are designated by sign and white curbs, drop off students and immediately leave the area when the students are safely onto school property. There will be no parking in these zones.

Pick Up Zone – Vehicles are to pull into these areas, which are designated by sign and white curbs, load the students into the vehicle and immediately leave the area after the students have buckled their seat belts. Do not pull into this zone unless your children are waiting to be picked up. There will be no parking in this area.

No Parking Within 25 Feet of a Crosswalk – These areas, which are designated by sign, yellow curbs and crosswalk lines, include the 25 feet before the crosswalk, the crosswalk itself and 25 feet beyond the crosswalk. No vehicle will stand or park within this area that is approximately 56 feet long. Parents are reminded that New Jersey motor vehicle law requires motorists to STOP for pedestrians who are in the crosswalk.

Location of Drop Off Zones:

There are two designated drop off zones. The first is located on the south side of Willow St., from a point 25 feet east of the crosswalk by the macadam sidewalk that leads to the school, to a point 25 feet west of the crosswalk lines at Hickory St. The second location is in the teacher’s lot, on the north edge of the pavement, next to the front of the George School. This area, which is designated by sign and white pavement markings, is divided into two sections. The first section starts near the east end of the building and ends before the front doors to the school. The second section starts beyond the front doors and ends before you reach the west end of the school. The drop off zones in the Teacher’s lot should be used for children with either a temporary injury or a disability. This portion of the teacher’s lot will be a drop off zone only and will be available from 8:30 AM to 9 AM only. Parents are not allowed to use this area from 9 AM to 4 PM. This area is not available as a pickup zone at dismissal time. Do not park in the Teacher’s parking stalls.

Location of Pick-Up Zone:

As most parents are parking their cars on side streets and are walking to the school grounds to pick up their children, there will be only one pick up area at dismissal time. The pick-up area will be the same area as the Willow St. drop off area mentioned above.

Location of Parking Areas and No Parking Areas:

Parents may park their vehicles on any side street surrounding the school as long as they observe the following Title 39 regulations: park headed in the direction of traffic, park within 6 inches of the curb, no parking within 10 feet of a fire hydrant, no parking within 50 feet of a stop sign, no parking within 25 feet of an intersection, no parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk and no parking in front of a driveway.  Do not park where there is a yellow curb.

Hickory Street between Willow Street and George School Playground Designated as a DO NOT ENTER and a NO PARKING AREA:

As of September 2001, the Mayor and Council have adopted ordinances designating this area as a Do Not Enter and a No Parking area from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on school days. These ordinances were adopted to allow this section of Hickory Street to be a safe zone that is as vehicle free as possible during the school day. The lone exceptions to this ordinance are vehicles going to the two houses on Hickory Street, emergency vehicles, Board of Education vehicles and Post Office vehicles. In addition, no vehicle is to drive onto the playground and no vehicle is to park on the playground or any of the grass, lawn, playing field or landscaped areas at the school.

Students With Disabilities:
Parents that have a child with a disability that requires the child to be dropped off at or near the main entrance doors of the school should contact their local police department for an application for a permanent handicap-parking permit.

Additional Reminders:

  • Please cooperate with our Crossing Guards who have been trained to ensure the safety of your children.
  • Do not double park next to a vehicle parked at the curb when letting your children out of the vehicle or when picking them up.
  • Please observe and obey the residential speed limit of 25 MPH and other regulatory signs such as one way and stop signs.




Please familiarize yourself with the information listed below for drop off and pick up at Washington School

WWRSD School Spirit Shop

Drop Off Zone – Vehicles are to pull into these areas, which are designated by sign and white curbs, drop off students and immediately leave the area when the students are safely onto school property. There will be no parking in these zones. No vehicle should remain standing in this zone for more than one minute.

Pick Up Zone – Vehicles are to pull into these areas, which are designated by sign and white curbs, load the students into the vehicle and immediately leave the area after the students have buckled their seat belts. Do not pull into this zone unless your children are waiting to be picked up. There will be no parking in this zone. No vehicle should remain standing in this zone for more than one minute.

No Parking Within 25 Feet of a Crosswalk – These zones, which are marked by crosswalk lines and yellow curbs, include the 25 feet before the crosswalk, the crosswalk itself and 25 feet beyond the crosswalk. No vehicle will stand or park within this area, which is approximately 56 feet long.
Parents are reminded that New Jersey motor vehicle law requires motorists to yield to pedestrians who are in the crosswalk.

Location of Drop Off and Pick Up Zones:
The two drop off/pick up zones are on the South side of School Street, on either side of the main driveway to the school. Do not block the main driveway when dropping off or picking up your children.

Local Ordinance 223-53:
This ordinance prohibits parking in the main driveway to the school as well as driving or parking on the grass, lawn or landscaped areas of the school.

Students With Disabilities:
Parents that have a child with a disability that requires the child to be dropped off at or near the main entrance doors of the school should contact their local police department for an application for a permanent handicap-parking permit. A handicap-parking permit will identify the vehicle as having a legal purpose to be parked in violation of the local ordinance that prohibits vehicles from parking in the main driveway of the school. All other vehicles that park in this driveway will be ticketed.

Location of Parking Areas:
Parents may park their vehicles on any side street surrounding the school as long as they observe all local ordinance restrictions and the following Title 39 regulations: park headed in the direction of traffic, park within 6 inches of the curb, no parking within 10 feet of a fire hydrant, no parking within 50 feet of a stop sign, no parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk and no parking in front of a driveway.

Parking Prohibited in the Following Areas:
Drop off and pick up zones, bus stops, main driveway to the school, School St. from Wayne Pl. to its terminus (located West of the driveway to the West side parking lot), the driveway to the West lot and all grass, lawn and landscaped areas, and any other area designated by sign as a No Parking area. Parents are not permitted to use the driveway to drop off or pickup their children.

Additional Reminders:

  • Please cooperate with our Crossing Guards who have been trained to ensure the safety of your children.
  • Do not double park next to a vehicle parked at the curb when letting your children out of the vehicle or when picking them up.
  • Please observe and obey the residential speed limit of 25 MPH and other regulatory signs such as one way and stop signs.